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Have a Wonderful Weekend!

March 9, 2012

Happy Friday! What are your plans for the weekend? We’re taking our bikes to the beach for a breezy seaside ride on Saturday, and on Sunday, we’re waking up bright and early to visit the Rose Bowl flea market. I’m on the hunt for a bar cart! Above are a couple of pictures from an impromptu (and by the looks of her face, unwanted) driveway photo shoot I had with Miss Diamond. She sure is cute. Have a great weekend! xoxo!

5 Comments leave one →
  1. Erin permalink
    March 9, 2012 8:50 am

    Oh my goodness, I especially love the second photo! She’s thinking deep thoughts :)

  2. Erin permalink
    March 9, 2012 8:50 am

    Nice new font by the way.

    • love and cupcakes permalink*
      March 9, 2012 11:34 am

      Thanks Auntin! She’s probably thinking, “why, mom, why?!”

  3. March 9, 2012 12:38 pm

    She is such a cutie!!

  4. March 9, 2012 7:00 pm

    you always take great pictures of her!! she looks like she’s wearing eyeliner in the second one. hot!

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